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Baby (6 months+)


Based on 79 reviews

Health and Wellness

Equazen Baby twist caps are a proactive way of providing EFA supplementation to your baby to help support healthy development of brain and eye function.

It’s important to consider Equazen Baby because:

  • Brain growth

The brain grows rapidly during the first 2 years of life where it becomes nearly 80% the size of the adult brain.

  • The brain needs EFAs

Approximately 60% of the brains’ weight consists of fats, of which about 30% are polyunsaturated fatty acids (such as EFAs)

  • Supports structural development of brain

DHA, an EFA, is important for structural development of the brain and peripheral nervous system.

Equazen Baby: Key Ingredients

Omega-3 and Omega 6 are essential fatty acids that are vital for good health. Since your body is unable to produce some of these essential fatty acids, they must be obtained through your diet.4 Equazen contains proven ingredients to help support the development of cognitive functions in babies. EPA, DHA and GLA all play an important role in brain development.

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Age Groups:
6 months+

Love this products. As NiCU nurse, I know the importance and long term benefits of giving omega oils to babies and children. I love the twist off capsule, and that I can could put it in my 2 yrs olds milk bottle without him even noticing

Posted 2 years ago

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