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Special Baby Shampoo

Purity & Elizabeth Anne's

Based on 35 reviews


Purity & Elizabeth Anne’s Special Baby Shampoo is formulated without soap and is gentle on your baby’s eyes. It can also be used as an all-over body wash that cleanses and conditions your baby’s skin.

Age Groups:
0-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-9 Months
9-12 Months
2-3 years

I actually use this for my sons hair as a conditioner. It gives moisture and makes the hair soft and silky. I use the yellow Johnson’s shampoo but I use this as conditioner and it’s great. I use the excess over His body for moisture. Has a lovely soft clean smell. Up until today I have not found another substitute for this. Can be used by adults as well for moisture, shaving and stretch marks!

Posted 4 years ago

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