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Premium Care Diapers


Based on 145 reviews


Pampers Premium Care offers luxurious cotton-like softness and proven dryness for your baby's skin. Pampers Premium Care diaper surrounds your baby with softness, letting them free to discover how soft and cushiony their world is.

Age Groups:
0-3 Months
3-6 Months
6-9 Months
9-12 Months
2-3 years

I am a mother of 3 - a big gaps between them ages now 17, 8 and 4 months… With my first - a girl, i used all other brands on the market. Most of these gifted to me. My daughter suffered many types of rashes until i started using pampers. With my son, i bought pampers premium and any gifted - i gave away. Cost - i save with store discounts and monthend specials. Consideribg the pain my first endured, the peadiatrician costs when its got really bad - the worrying - its surely worth using Premium Care Diapers. No brainer with the last - pampers all the way for me please. COVID has done us all a number but for as long as she needs them, im praying i can maintain this very premium brand. Pampers Premium for me means NO worries in that department.

Posted 3 years ago

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I have heard and read alot about pampers range of products. Has a first time mummy to be, currently 35 weeks pregnant I'm confused as to which diaper will be best for my new born. Pampers premium or pampers dry??? I really need to sample these products to make an informed decision.... I will be investing in diapers for many months to come, so I want to make sure I'm using the best products.

Posted 3 years ago

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